Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:08:41] <cjwatson>
[10:09:30] <cjwatson> Alpha-2 is just under two weeks away, and the 10.04.2 freeze has started; 10.04.2 is due in just under four weeks.
[10:09:45] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Action review
[10:10:01] <cjwatson> most of these are skaet's, so can't usefully update on those
[10:10:17] <cjwatson> [leads] please scrub bugs for those that are needed for alpha 2, vs. ok later, so we can focus list
[10:10:34] <cjwatson> general reminder on this; I've been doing this today for foundations
[10:11:13] <cjwatson> Anyone have anything they need to add here?
[10:12:20] <cjwatson> (going, going, gone)
[10:12:31] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] QA team update - marjo
[10:12:42] <marjo> * Natty Alpha 2 Work Items
[10:12:42] <marjo>
[10:12:43] <marjo> Good progress; hggdh & zul working on server work items
[10:12:43] <marjo> * Bugsquad Roadmap: 'Add support information to bug reporting guidelines' Done. Workaround found to blocking bug
[10:12:45] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 692787 in Launchpad itself "unable to update Ubuntu bug reporting guidelines" [Critical,In progress]
[10:13:05] <marjo> * weekly testing status:
[10:13:05] <marjo> QA Dashboard
[10:13:06] <marjo>
[10:13:06] <marjo> Note: Unity and Ubiquity in top 5 with new bugs
[10:13:35] <marjo> Desktop Automated Testing results
[10:13:35] <marjo>
[10:13:35] <marjo> Note: Over 260 test cases in 2D mode and over 240 in Unity mode
[10:14:08] <marjo> thx to jibel, pedro, hggdh2, patrickmw,bdmurray
[10:14:23] <marjo> Server Automated Testing results
[10:14:24] <marjo>
[10:14:24] <marjo> hggdh investigating the 2 failures
[10:14:45] <marjo> * Bugs:
[10:14:45] <marjo> 692787 in Launchpad itself "unable to update Ubuntu bug reporting guidelines" Workaround found; work item was completed using the workaround.
[10:14:47] <marjo> ..
[10:14:55] * cjwatson wonders what's going on with initramfs-tools new bugs; many of them have absolutely nothing to do with i-t
[10:14:59] <cjwatson> weird
[10:15:35] <apw> cjwatson, something to do with being a trigger perhaps ?
[10:15:40] <cjwatson> could be
[10:15:49] <cjwatson> marjo: was there any progress on making installer logs visible in the server test output?
[10:16:11] <jibel> cjwatson, that's a pb with console-setup and a missing /etc/default/keyboard
[10:16:21] <marjo> cjwatson: hggdh2 did some work on that at rally, but not done yet
[10:16:34] <cjwatson> jibel: that's fixed
[10:16:41] <cjwatson> and doesn't account for things like libreoffice bugs
[10:16:43] <marjo> cjwatson: but it looks doable
[10:17:59] <cjwatson> ok, any further questions?
[10:18:45] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Hardware Certification team update - ara
[10:18:52] <cjwatson> or maybe not ara
[10:18:54] <cjwatson> victorp?
[10:19:07] <victorp> me
[10:19:14] <victorp> This week we run into several issues during our weekly testing.
[10:19:14] <victorp> On servers, we found a bug in debian-installer introduced by a recent
[10:19:14] <victorp> change, that made the installation failed. We filed a bug:
[10:19:14] <victorp> [LINK]
[10:19:14] <victorp>
[10:19:15] <victorp> and contacted the ubuntu-installer team. Colin Watson followed it up and
[10:19:17] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 705377 in partman-partitioning (Ubuntu) "Debian installer prompts for partition type when installing Ubuntu server" [High,Fix released]
[10:19:17] <victorp> found the root cause. He fixed the issue and it should be working in
[10:19:19] <victorp> today's ISOs.
[10:19:23] <victorp> On clients, we didn't get enough results and we are still investigating
[10:19:25] <victorp> the root cause. In one of the clients that didn't report back we did a
[10:19:31] <victorp> manual installation of the same daily image and it went OK. We are in the
[10:19:31] <victorp> process of collecting enough logs to raise a bug for Ubiquity.
[10:19:35] * victorp giving people time to read
[10:19:45] <cjwatson> right, sorry about that regression
[10:19:50] <victorp> :)
[10:19:58] <victorp> all good
[10:20:09] <victorp> the problem with the client still not rca yet
[10:20:24] <victorp> we should have the bug raised before end of the day
[10:20:44] <victorp> might be related to how we use preseeds
[10:20:59] <cjwatson> yeah, I saw ara asking about that this morning
[10:20:59] <victorp> that is all from cert this week
[10:21:21] <cjwatson> as I said to her then, I'm not *aware* of fundamental preseeding changes, and if there are any that may well be a bug in itself
[10:21:29] <cjwatson> any questions?
[10:22:37] * victorp thanks everyone for the weekly testing effort
[10:22:39] <cjwatson> victorp: oh, anything on bug 702166 (from the agenda)?
[10:22:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 702166 in linux (Ubuntu) "Oops during install of Natty on HP ProLiant ML350 G5" [Undecided,New]
[10:23:11] * victorp is checking
[10:24:27] <victorp> cjwatson - I am checking to make sure I dont get the bugs confused, let me get back to you on that
[10:25:13] * ScottK is here now.
[10:25:38] <cjwatson> victorp: ok, no rush
[10:25:50] <cjwatson> can move on in the meantime
[10:25:59] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Security team update - jdstrand
[10:26:03] <jdstrand> hi
[10:26:09] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:26:10] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:26:24] <jdstrand> Not a lot to report. This last week we have been focusing on stable release updates and have also been fixing security issues in natty. We either committed or fixed the few milestoned bugs from last week.
[10:26:30] <jdstrand> We have no milestoned features for alpha-2.
[10:26:34] <jdstrand> ..
[10:27:01] * victorp says : bug seems a valid bug, cr3 will reply to apw on the bug comment
[10:27:10] <cjwatson> hah, amusing work item chart cliff there
[10:27:19] <jdstrand> yes :)
[10:27:44] <jdstrand> well, there were several pie in the sky items that shouldn't have been work items in the first place, so we cleaned that up
[10:28:18] <jdstrand> pie in the sky is probably overstated-- more natty+1
[10:29:02] * cjwatson nods
[10:29:04] <cjwatson> any questions?
[10:30:44] <cjwatson> thanks jdstrand
[10:30:53] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Kernel team update - apw
[10:30:59] <jdstrand> sure
[10:31:00] <apw> o/
[10:31:08] <apw> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:
[10:31:13] <apw> NOTE: as code-hosting is down currently some of the graphs may be several hours out of date!
[10:31:18] <apw> [LINK]
[10:31:18] <apw> [LINK]
[10:31:19] <apw> [LINK]
[10:31:24] <apw> We are progressing on our natty-alpha-2 items, some of the natty-alpha-1 items remain but we continue to close them. The remaining pushed out items are listed with background on the overall status above (first link). Overall burndown we are still below the line, so we still hope to be able to catch up.
[10:31:29] <apw> Of the bugs called out on the agenda, a few are now basically fixed:
[10:31:33] <apw> #542660, #600453, and #681877 are all stalled waiting on a v2.6.38-rc1 based kernel to test (see below);
[10:31:36] <apw> #539467 has been passed to desktop for implementation;
[10:31:39] <apw> #605042 has been reproduced further testing requested;
[10:31:42] <apw> #621195 benign message suppressed for Natty, Fix Committed;
[10:31:45] <apw> #630748 experimental firmware looking better but not yet fixed, waiting on Intel;
[10:31:49] <apw> #636091 affects maverick live environment, requested natty testing;
[10:31:51] <apw> #682617 is confirmed as a pulseaudio issue, moved there;
[10:31:54] <apw> #686692 memory size prevented ec2 instance start, bug found and patches pushed upstream and to natty, Fix Committed;
[10:31:57] <apw> and #702166 has truncated bug output, requested information.
[10:32:01] <apw> The main distro kernel remains at v2.6.37, we will remain on this version for a couple of weeks while the early 2.6.38 release candidates shake out. We are working on getting a v2.6.38-rc1 based kernel which will boot on both 32 and 86 bit systems in preparation for upload once stable.
[10:32:05] <apw> ..
[10:32:30] <cjwatson> 86-bit :-)
[10:32:49] <apw> heh oops
[10:33:32] <cjwatson> anyone have questions?
[10:34:34] <cjwatson> thanks
[10:34:37] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Foundations team update - cjwatson
[10:34:40] * cjwatson switches hats
[10:34:47] <cjwatson> [LINK]
[10:34:51] <cjwatson> Good feature progress at the rally; very little visible progress since then unfortunately (although mvo's been at another sprint, and a lot of the remaining work items are his). Several of the in-progress items are nearing completion though.
[10:34:55] <cjwatson> Interesting feature progress this week that isn't showing up:
[10:34:57] <cjwatson> - LibreOffice -> natty
[10:35:00] <cjwatson> - evaluating multiple test rebuilds, including one for gcc-4.6 (
[10:35:03] <cjwatson> - fixed some of the graphical boot problems identified at the rally
[10:35:05] <cjwatson> - processing review feedback on upstart override handling
[10:35:08] <cjwatson> - started on upstart job visualisation work
[10:35:10] <cjwatson> - working on setting up easily snapshottable btrfs snapshots in installer by default
[10:35:29] <cjwatson> skaet asked about the milestoned bugs on the agenda last week, and we didn't have much to report. By way of amends, we've been doing a bit better this week:
[10:35:35] <cjwatson> Alpha-2 bugs:
[10:35:35] <cjwatson> 675347: in progress upstream (Linaro)
[10:35:35] <cjwatson> 680328: can't reproduce, asked for test sequence
[10:35:35] <cjwatson> 684052: Evan said at the rally that this would be easy; poked him again
[10:35:37] <cjwatson> 684703: have checked with doko, although I think this has been worked around; marked incomplete for now
[10:35:40] <cjwatson> 686263: looks to me like only ubuntu-mir members can get anywhere with this; commented asking for clarification
[10:35:43] <cjwatson> Alpha-3 bugs:
[10:35:46] <cjwatson> 664276, 664397: no status at this time; will ask Barry about it after alpha-2
[10:35:49] <cjwatson> 691671: patch doesn't fix the bug; Evan has followed up saying so; needs more work, marked for alpha-3
[10:35:52] <cjwatson> Beta-1 bugs:
[10:35:54] <cjwatson> 553745: still no information, as Scott said previous attempts to fix have made it worse; won't rush this one, so pushed to beta-1
[10:35:57] <cjwatson> 645818: this should be tractable, but we released maverick with this so pushed to beta-1
[10:36:00] <cjwatson> 671016: just a website change now, pushed to beta-1
[10:36:03] <cjwatson> 690873: can safely be left for beta-1 at this point, per its milestone
[10:36:06] <cjwatson> Unmilestoned bugs:
[10:36:08] <cjwatson> 684083: can't reproduce on my nvidia hardware, asked reporter to confirm; could be system-specific
[10:36:11] <cjwatson> Four other bugs fixed or marked won't fix since the last meeting (see the agenda).
[10:36:14] <cjwatson> (I've not triggered ubottu on those to save your scrollback buffers)
[10:36:18] <cjwatson> we are now one staff member down, so bear with us :-(
[10:36:23] <cjwatson> that's all, any questions?
[10:37:37] <cjwatson> all right, I get off easy then
[10:37:42] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Server team update - zul
[10:37:48] <zul> [LINK]
[10:37:48] <zul> Hi, the trend line for the burndown charts pretty good and we are just a little behind the trend line. Alot of progress has been made this week. Cobbler is now in the archive, and Eucalyptus has a solution for a FTBFS to be uploaded this week. Daviey would like some help from the foundations for the axis2c ftbfs fix. Clint has been working with the foundations on bug Bug #672177. Notable outstanding bugs this week:
[10:37:48] <zul> 697105 - apache2 - Segfault on POST (in progress)
[10:37:48] <zul> 684875 - cloud-init - Patch to Natty 2.6.37-virtual breaks non EC2 kernels
[10:37:50] <zul> 656646 - cloud-init - transient network/keyscan issues
[10:37:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 672177 in upstart (Ubuntu) "libc6 upgrade causes umount to fail on shutdown because init cannot be restarted" [Critical,In progress]
[10:37:52] <zul> thats all any questions?
[10:37:54] <zul> ...
[10:38:47] <apw> that cloud-innit thing, what was the config change ?
[10:38:53] <zul> i think so
[10:39:00] <zul> i havent been able to talk smoser today
[10:39:39] <cjwatson> ok, I'll find somebody to help you out with axis2c, although doko has pointed the way somewhat already it seems
[10:39:45] <doko> zul: I sent feedback about axi2c
[10:39:56] <cjwatson> is doko's feedback enough, or do you need more?
[10:40:05] <zul> doko: great...ill talk to daviey about it then
[10:40:12] <cjwatson> (it was two weeks ago)
[10:40:35] <Daviey> \o/
[10:41:28] <Daviey> doko, hmm, where did you send it?
[10:41:35] <cjwatson> Daviey: it's in the bug?
[10:41:49] <cjwatson>
[10:41:53] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 600174 in axis2c (Ubuntu Natty) "axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386" [High,Confirmed]
[10:43:52] <cjwatson> ok, let's move on
[10:44:00] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Desktop team update - pitti
[10:44:05] <cjwatson> or not pitti
[10:44:08] <cjwatson> seb128?
[10:44:14] <seb128> hey
[10:44:18] <cjwatson> (sorry, am c&ping from last week's log
[10:44:19] <cjwatson> )
[10:44:26] <seb128> yeah, pitti is travelling back today
[10:44:44] <seb128> he was at the GNOME hacking fest in prague this week
[10:44:45] <seb128>
[10:44:46] <seb128> [LINK]
[10:44:46] <seb128> [LINK]
[10:44:46] <seb128> [LINK]
[10:44:51] <seb128> Weekly update:
[10:44:51] <seb128> * New unity and indicator stack ported to gdbus landed, some issues but things are mostly working
[10:44:51] <seb128> * LibreOffice landed in natty this week (thanks doko)
[10:44:53] <seb128> * Decided to stay on GNOME 2.32 for natty, GNOME3 will be packaged in a ppa and land next cycle
[10:45:28] <seb128> 683100: known compiz issue (should be dx?)
[10:45:29] <seb128> 676166: need investigation
[10:45:29] <seb128> 684704: Riddell said he will have a look
[10:45:29] <seb128> 685682: dx issue being worked
[10:45:29] <seb128> 688776: should be sponsoring today
[10:45:29] <seb128> 688861: need investigation
[10:45:33] <seb128> 690461: known dx,compiz issue
[10:45:35] <seb128> 691671: need investigation
[10:45:38] <seb128> 692665: being worked, the langomatic issue has been fixed
[10:45:39] <seb128> 692823: known dx,compiz issue
[10:45:41] <seb128> 693073: known dx,compiz issue
[10:45:43] <seb128> 696527: libreoffice issue, need work
[10:45:45] <seb128> 704770: build issue that still need to be worked
[10:45:47] <seb128> 705572: being investigated
[10:45:57] <seb128>
[10:46:03] <seb128> that's all from me, questions?
[10:46:17] <cjwatson> glad we're not the only team swamped in bugs :)
[10:46:29] <seb128> ;-)
[10:46:41] <seb128> though to be fair most of ours are due to dx :p
[10:46:44] <cjwatson> do you know what's happening about the libreoffice size issues? I saw chatter on IRC the other day about that, but didn't see a resolution
[10:46:46] <doko> about 696527: the CD size issue is fixed. the Human icons not
[10:46:47] * seb128 runs away from dbarth__
[10:46:56] <dbarth__> seb128: it'll be my turn
[10:46:58] <seb128> doko, ok, thanks
[10:47:00] <dbarth__> soon
[10:47:16] <seb128> cjwatson, seems doko knows better about those
[10:47:24] <seb128> see his comment
[10:47:37] <cjwatson> is still massively oversized, though it failed to build today I think
[10:48:08] <ogra> move to arm, ours are only 470M big ... Loffice will fit easily :)
[10:48:16] <cjwatson> hm, no, it failed on amd64, but i386 built this morning and is 66MB oversized
[10:48:21] <doko> cjwatson: yes, libreoffice-l10n was just accepted, you could retry a rebuild in about 1h
[10:48:30] <cjwatson> ah, ok, I'll just let cron do it tomorrow then
[10:48:37] <cjwatson> thanks
[10:48:41] <cjwatson> any other questions?
[10:49:32] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover
[10:49:37] <joshuahoover> [LINK]
[10:49:43] <joshuahoover> [LINK]
[10:49:46] <joshuahoover> oops
[10:49:54] <joshuahoover> details on where we're at with blueprints and releases are in the link above
[10:49:54] <joshuahoover> work on improving syncdaemon performance continues, with resumable uploads finishing up this week...this means when you have that large file uploading and sync gets disrupted (sleep, lost net connection, etc.) u1 will continue the transfer where it last left off once it's connected again
[10:50:04] <joshuahoover> unity integration work started in earnest this week, along with work on u1 notifications
[10:50:12] <joshuahoover> we should have some new packages up next week to show off some of this work :-)
[10:50:19] <joshuahoover> and that's about it
[10:50:19] <joshuahoover> ..
[10:51:04] <cjwatson> nice work on the bug list, judging from the agenda
[10:51:06] <cjwatson> any questions?
[10:52:08] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
[10:52:11] <Riddell> hi
[10:52:18] <Riddell> * packagers now have KDE SC 4.6 tars, ninjas are jumping into action
[10:52:18] <Riddell> * some arm issues to investigate, qtwebkit, kdesdk
[10:52:18] <Riddell> * 15 bugs I've milestoned for alpha 2, they won't all make it, but we can try
[10:52:21] <Riddell> * most important bugs are a couple of ubiquity issues I'll look at once KDE packaging is done
[10:52:24] <Riddell> * progress being made on todo list but slowly
[10:53:56] <cjwatson> keyboard selector broken: wonder if that's my fault, it probably is :-/
[10:54:06] <cjwatson> I can have a look at that one
[10:55:20] <cjwatson> any other questions?
[10:56:03] <cjwatson> Riddell: oh, skaet put a note on the agenda saying "status update needed?" for - is that a remotely useful list, or does it need pruning?
[10:56:42] <cjwatson> I suppose that's mostly Kubuntu/Todo/Natty
[10:57:07] <Riddell> yeah, I prefer to just look at the todo page directly
[10:57:43] <Riddell> but there's probably tidying up to be done
[10:58:04] <Riddell> give me an action item if you like :)
[10:58:17] <cjwatson> mkay
[10:58:26] <cjwatson> [ACTION] Riddell to clean up kubuntu-dev work items chart
[10:58:29] <cjwatson> thanks
[10:58:37] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth
[10:59:05] <dbarth> hi
[10:59:25] <dbarth> the weekly notes are at the usual place:
[10:59:33] <dbarth> quick summary
[10:59:48] <dbarth> we barely on the trend line, but reasonnably so
[11:00:14] <dbarth> unity, bamf releases this week again: the places are back!
[11:00:34] <dbarth> partly, ie the homescreen is there, which is really a lot of the places view infrastructure being back into unity
[11:00:44] <dbarth> no real, decisive progress on the compiz bugs however
[11:01:07] <dbarth> despite all the efforts sam and others put into trying to narrow down the stacking order issues
[11:01:21] <marjo> dbarth: what's blocking you on compiz bugs progress?
[11:01:32] <dbarth> at least we know 0.9 was broken since a long time, and it's window stack is really inconsistent compared to what the xserver knows
[11:01:48] <dbarth> we know how to reproduce
[11:02:04] <dbarth> we don't know why the de-synchromixzation is so important
[11:02:33] <dbarth> actually, we spot issues since the very start of compiz and can't say then why the different signals we're getting don't result in the same resync that 0.8 is doing
[11:02:44] <marjo> dbarth: so, you're continuing root cause analysis, it seems
[11:02:49] <dbarth> we've tried porting a couplpe of late 0.87 fixes, but there is a more fundamental problem
[11:03:04] <dbarth> correct
[11:03:15] <marjo> dbarth: ack & good luck
[11:03:27] <dbarth> unity foundations: mostly a release to integrate fixes required for the appmenu XUL work from chrisccoulson
[11:04:04] <dbarth> qa, we've put some initial efforts into stopping the bug count to rise
[11:04:26] <dbarth> and we know have a plan discussed within the team and with desktop / platforom to improve reactivity
[11:05:22] <dbarth> we have a couple of bugs fixes in flight:
[11:05:30] <dbarth> 683100: inprogress
[11:05:31] <dbarth> 685682: inrpogress
[11:05:33] <dbarth> 692823: inprogress
[11:05:34] <dbarth> 690461: inprogress
[11:05:36] <dbarth> 693073: inprogres
[11:05:37] <dbarth> 657771: postponed
[11:05:39] <dbarth> 637827: inprogresse
[11:05:40] <dbarth> 683065: not started
[11:05:42] <dbarth> 689179: postponed
[11:05:43] <dbarth> 695638: inprogress
[11:05:45] <dbarth> 628727: invalid
[11:05:46] <dbarth> 676166: invalid
[11:05:48] <dbarth> 526642: invalid
[11:05:49] <dbarth> 684193: fixed
[11:05:51] <dbarth> and a couple of xies and invalid bugs as well, from the release team radar
[11:06:01] <dbarth> ...
[11:06:06] <dbarth> ie, that's it for me
[11:06:08] <dbarth> questions?
[11:06:34] <cjwatson> (xies?)
[11:06:54] <dbarth> ?
[11:06:59] <cjwatson> 17:05 and a couple of xies and invalid bugs as well, from the release team radar
[11:07:06] <cjwatson> I was wondering what xies meant
[11:07:21] <dbarth> fixes, sorry
[11:07:33] <cjwatson> oh! right, entirely failed to autocorrect in my head :)
[11:07:36] <cjwatson> ok, thanks
[11:07:37] <dbarth> that's DX for fixing bugs ;)
[11:07:43] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] ARM team update - ogra
[11:07:48] <ogra> me !
[11:07:58] <ogra> Status is at:
[11:07:59] <ogra>
[11:07:59] <ogra> ..
[11:07:59] <ogra> Summary:
[11:07:59] <ogra> * Images are building again since today \o/
[11:07:59] <ogra> * Half the team was busy over the rally and this week to get unity-2d packaging in shape (we added a new spec for this to track work)
[11:08:02] <ogra> * Kernel is still 2.6.35 for OMAP 4, TI planning to push a 2.6.38 tree later on
[11:08:04] <ogra> * Mainline Kernel for OMAP 3 is integrated in the images now
[11:08:08] <ogra> * Only some WI work was done during sprint and this week due to various interceptions
[11:08:10] <ogra> * Maverick kernel SRU testing is going on
[11:08:12] <ogra> * A segfault we found in unity-2d seems to be arm specific (bug is below)
[11:08:14] <ogra> * For full unity-2d integration we are waiting for the new unity-places API to land and for some code rework of the unity-2d team for the new indicator framework
[11:08:17] <ogra> * unity-2d MIRs will be filed early next week, we hope to get them on the A2 images in time.
[11:08:19] <ogra> * FTBFS: haskell is heavily being worked on.
[11:08:21] <ogra> * Improvement and debugging work on the GLES drivers for OMAP is going on hand in hand with TI
[11:08:23] <ogra> ..
[11:08:25] <ogra> Specs:
[11:08:28] <ogra> New Spec:
[11:08:29] <ogra> Entire status:
[11:08:31] <ogra> Milestone:
[11:08:33] <ogra> ..
[11:08:35] <ogra> Serious Bugs:
[11:08:39] <ogra> Bug 705689
[11:08:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 705689 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d-launcher crashes with segfault error on armel" [Undecided,New]
[11:08:41] <ogra> Bug 633227
[11:08:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 633227 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) "instabilities with highmem activated" [High,Confirmed]
[11:09:29] <ogra> thats all for arm
[11:10:02] <cjwatson> thanks - any questions?
[11:11:46] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] MOTU team update - ScottK
[11:12:01] <ScottK> Hello.
[11:12:12] <ScottK> Nothing significant to report.
[11:12:25] <ScottK> Work on the usual transitions/updates is ongoing.
[11:12:30] <ScottK> ...
[11:12:40] <cjwatson> heh, short and sweet :)
[11:12:43] <cjwatson> any questions?
[11:14:48] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] Linaro update - JamieBennett
[11:16:18] <cjwatson> or anyone else?
[11:16:55] <cjwatson> OK, guess Linaro folks are busy or finished for the week :)
[11:16:57] <cjwatson> [TOPIC] AOB
[11:18:36] <cjwatson> OK, I guess not, thanks everyone!
[11:18:40] <cjwatson> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.