Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[07:23:02] <rodrigo_> at least I've seen #endmeeting
[07:23:20] <diwic> #topic pulseaudio - master or stable-queue
[07:23:50] <diwic> [topic] pulseaudio - master or stable-queue?
[07:24:35] <diwic> [agreed] to go with stable-queue for the time being as the d-bus API in master wasn't all that ronoc wanted, and since a rewrite is planned on master by Lennart.
[07:25:14] <ronoc> diwic, grand
[07:25:49] <diwic> [topic] any audio bugs we should have a closer look at during the coming week?
[07:26:50] <diwic> noone?
[07:27:04] <diwic> okay, moving on
[07:27:19] <ronoc> am I haven't seen any, only the pa-stream-writable failed
[07:27:20] <diwic> [topic] anything in particular done in the previous week?
[07:27:38] <ronoc> last week, got two sru's out for lucid and maverick
[07:27:46] <diwic> ronoc, for indicator-sound?
[07:27:48] <ronoc> and merged my UI natty work into trunk
[07:27:48] <rodrigo_> not much from me, was working on other desktop-related stuff
[07:27:50] <ronoc> yep
[07:27:58] <diwic> ok
[07:28:10] <diwic> For my own part, I was at plumber's
[07:28:15] <ronoc> today i'm working on a fading mute behaviour
[07:28:18] <ronoc> how was it ?
[07:28:22] <rodrigo_> we have some bugs though about porting indicator-* stuff to gsettings, gtk3 and gtkbuilder
[07:28:24] <ronoc> I must read your report
[07:28:29] <rodrigo_>
[07:28:35] <rodrigo_>
[07:28:38] <diwic> I learned how to use the wakeup_rt tracer which can be important for tracking down xrun
[07:28:42] <rodrigo_>
[07:29:03] <rodrigo_> these will be fixed as soon as the new stack gets in (it's in a PPA for now)
[07:29:10] <ronoc> diwic, whats that
[07:29:21] <ronoc> rodrigo_, cool
[07:30:03] <diwic> ronoc, basically, if a kernel driver is blocking pulseaudio from being scheduled, it can help to show the troublesome areas
[07:30:31] <diwic> (or jack, for that matter)
[07:30:52] <ronoc> diwic, good to know
[07:31:56] <diwic> ronoc, what's fading mute behaviour?
[07:33:04] <ronoc> diwic, when someone chooses mute from the menu, it should fade exponentially the volume and slider to 0, unmuting should restore the slider to its original position
[07:33:21] <ronoc> diwic, a bug against indicator-sound for unity
[07:33:23] <rodrigo_> oh, that's cool
[07:33:41] <ronoc> yup should be pretty easy
[07:34:11] <diwic> cool, for absolute coolness you should also lower the sound frequency, but I guess that's much harder :-)
[07:34:37] <diwic> the question is whether that should be in PulseAudio or indicator-sound, really
[07:35:12] <ronoc> diwic, true
[07:35:13] <diwic> you're probably going to have to rewrite that once Lennart gets the volume envelope architecture working
[07:35:19] <rodrigo_> I guess PA, so that when you mute from other parts, it works the same
[07:35:45] <ronoc> diwic, whats the volume envelope architecture ?
[07:35:55] <ronoc> change
[07:36:55] <diwic> ronoc, some kind of way to apply a volume envelope to a sound
[07:37:10] <diwic> are you familiar with volume envelopes, e g ADSR envelopes?
[07:37:29] <ronoc> diwic, yes
[07:37:54] <ronoc> diwic, so that should cover what I'm currently doing
[07:37:59] <ronoc> but its not a biggie
[07:38:06] <diwic> so he merged something from Intel into master but then realized it was broken, so he wants to rip it out, which is part of the major rewrite planned for master
[07:38:26] <ronoc> and as you mentioned earlier no date has been set for when his work is to land
[07:39:11] <diwic> so as long as you're prepare to rewrite it in a year or two
[07:39:29] <ronoc> diwic, sure
[07:39:44] <ronoc> the nature of the ever revolving beast ...
[07:40:20] <ronoc> evolving even
[07:41:03] <diwic> [topic] anything you plan to do in the coming week?
[07:41:40] <rodrigo_> for me, when the GTK3 stack lands in natty, probably start fixing the indicator-* bugs
[07:41:54] <ronoc> when is that rodrigo_ ?
[07:42:13] <rodrigo_> ronoc, should be soon, seb128 is going to do it soon
[07:42:23] <ronoc> remove dbus-glib bindings and use gdbus
[07:42:27] <ronoc> rodrigo_, grand
[07:42:36] <ronoc> hopefully this week
[07:42:44] <ronoc> and plan other indicator work
[07:42:51] <rodrigo_> well, dbus-glib is ok to be used, it's not on the deprecation list, but yes, it's a good idea to move to gdbus asap
[07:43:25] <ronoc> rodrigo_, yeah I think the plan is for all indicators, libindicate dependent stuff to be moved over for alpha 1
[07:43:41] <rodrigo_> ok
[07:43:55] <ronoc> i go on holidays on the 22 so need to do in the next two weeks !
[07:44:04] <ronoc> more than likely starting today
[07:44:12] <diwic> for myself, I want to process some backlog from the weeks I were at UDS and Plumber's, then try to get started on the apport troubleshooting stuff
[07:45:02] <rodrigo_> hey guys, I need to leave now for lunch, are we done? or should I read the backlog later?
[07:45:11] <diwic> I think we're done
[07:45:19] <ronoc> all good
[07:45:23] <rodrigo_> ok, I'll read the backlog later just in case :)
[07:45:26] <rodrigo_> bbl
[07:45:28] <diwic> cool, see you!
[07:45:30] <diwic> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.