Meeting started by nisshh at 04:01
04:03:28 Topic: Details on how LCA2011 went
04:03:59 LINK head_victim
04:12:44 Topic: Getting an Australian forum added to:
04:19:07 LINK head_victim doesn't mention it has to be an approved team
04:26:27 VOTE Should we set up a sub forum on
04:27:12 VOTE RESULT 6 for, 1 against, 2 abstained. Total: 5
04:37:24 Topic: Making 2011 the year for re-approval
05:07:45 VOTE head_victim as new loco contact
05:09:27 VOTE RESULT 12 for, 0 against, 1 abstained. Total: 12
Meeting ended at 05:17.

People Present:
  1. nisshh
  2. ikt
  3. sagaci
  4. blahdeblah
  5. jellyware
  6. head_victim
  7. elky
  8. dns-xo
  9. Phlosten
  10. bwright
  11. mark_
  12. simplechat
  13. jfer
  14. Bulldog2010
  15. Fredlxiii
  16. bwright_
  17. Hew
  18. skwashd